An R.E. lesson about Pentecost and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
An R.E lesson in celebration of the feast day of Our Lord’s Ascension.
A Science lesson about the wonderful water cycle!
A Science lesson about teeth and their purpose.
An R.E. lesson in commemoration of the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima.
A Science lesson about materials and their properties (conduction and insulation).
A Science Lesson about fair testing and forces.
An R.E. lesson about the power of the Rosary.
The staff of St Alban’s have been filling up their Wish Jar. What would you like to add to it?
An R.E. lesson about the Apostles and the breakfast on the shore.
A Science lesson about forces and fair testing.
An R.E. lesson in celebration of the feast day of St Catherine of Siena.
A Science lesson about light and shadow.
An R.E. lesson about the significance of the Paschal Candle.
On World Book Night, the teachers of St Alban’s enjoyed reading with their families. Where did your books and imagination take you?
An R.E. lesson about the two apostles on the road to Emmaus.
A Science lesson about the properties of sound.
An R.E. lesson about the heroic deeds of St George.
A Science lesson about gravity and air resistance.
An R.E. lesson about Doubting Thomas.
An R.E. lesson about the significance of the Lord’s cross and the joy of Easter.
A Science lesson about living things and their habitats.
A lesson about Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.
A Science lesson about the properties of some liquids and fair testing.
An R.E. lesson about the Last Supper.
An R.E. Lesson about the importance of prayer.
An R.E. lesson about today's special feast of the Annunciation.
A Science lesson about the different dynamics of sound.
A lesson about materials and their properties, with a fair test.
A lesson about Jesus’ three temptations in the desert.